LightAPRS Tracker
LightAPRS is the most affordable, smallest, lightest, powerful and one of few open source APRS trackers available. It is able to report location, altitude, temperature and pressure to the internet (APRS-IS) or direct to an amateur radio once a minute with a solar panel/super capacitors. Because LightAPRS is open source you can add your own custom sensors via I2C/SPI pins.

LightAPRS-W (+WSPR) tracker
LightAPRS-W is and affordable, smallest, lightest, powerful and open source APRS tracker with WSPR. It makes tracking balloons simple and easy. It is able to report location, altitude, temperature and pressure to the internet (APRS-IS) or direct to an amateur radio once a minute with a solar panel/super capacitors. Because LightAPRS-W is open source you can add your own custom sensors via I2C/SPI pins.

ZachTek WSPR-TX tracker